I now walk freely with excess joy without any form of fear

I was a victim of this loan sharks, infact i couldn't think straight at some point but thanks to this wonderful website, ever since i joined here the rest has been history, i walk freely with excess joy without any form of fear..

Thanks to this website this will be my first time of posting here though. i have tried it before but my post was declined in accordance with the website regulations.

Something draws my attention and I'd like to advice you people on it, at times ignorance lands us into serious problem.

I was a victim of this loan sharks, infact i couldn't think straight at some point but thanks to this wonderful website, ever since i joined here the rest has been history, i walk freely with excess joy without any form of fear.

My freedom started when I was defamed. the only solution to this menace is never to pay them back once they defame you. they have no power over you again. Do not pay them back if they ever sent a message to your contacts

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