I seek encouragement and support from this community as I embark on this journey of financial independence. With your help, I have finally mustered the courage to say NO and break free from the chains of debt.

It all began when I started borrowing from various apps to settle debts with others, driven by the fear of facing defamation. Despite having a decent salary, it no longer sufficed to cover my accumulating debts. Consequently, my children began to suffer, lacking even the basic necessities. I resorted to using their school fees to repay loan apps, often negotiating installment payments with the understanding proprietress.

Gradually, I found myself trapped in a cycle of debt, owing even a portion of last term's school fees. However, a turning point came on my birthday when a long-lost friend reached out and generously provided a lump sum for my enjoyment. Upon reviewing my outstanding debts, I resolved to clear them all and break free from this burden.

After settling most of my debts, I was left with only FLYPAY and iCREDIT, with FLYPAY being due in two days. Despite having my original contacts with FLYPAY, I decided to borrow one final time from HCwallet, unaware of the exorbitant interest rates within a seven-day period that would lead to my financial downfall.

Realizing the gravity of my situation, I vowed to sever ties with HCwallet and refuse to be exploited any further. With the remaining funds, I managed to clear FLYPAY, but still had half the amount to repay iCREDIT. Despite impending deadlines, I remained resolute, feeling a sense of liberation from the heavy burden that had weighed me down for so long.

I am prepared to face any consequences, including defamation from HCwallet or iCREDIT, if it means securing my freedom. Despite feeling emotionally drained and numb, I am determined to repay my debts, even if it means enduring further hardships.

I seek encouragement and support from this community as I embark on this journey of financial independence. With your help, I have finally mustered the courage to say NO and break free from the chains of debt.

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