What to do when loan sharks harass you

Some loan sharks even charge interest rates as high as 70% within a mere seven-day period. It is crucial to be aware of these risks and take appropriate measures to protect yourself.

In Nigeria, the rise of online lending platforms has brought both benefits and drawbacks for many individuals. While these platforms can provide much-needed financial relief, they have also given rise to loan sharks who engage in harassment and intimidation tactics. 

Loan sharks are individuals or organizations that lend money at exorbitant interest rates, often employing threats and violence to collect debts. Some loan sharks even charge interest rates as high as 70% within a mere seven-day period. It is crucial to be aware of these risks and take appropriate measures to protect yourself. 

Here are some key steps to follow when faced with harassment from loan sharks:

 1. Stay Calm and Composed: 

Loan sharks often resort to sending intimidating messages to provoke their victims. They perceive this as an opportunity to gain an upper hand and exploit the borrower further. As someone who has borrowed money and is still in the process of repayment, it is vital to remain calm and composed in such situations. Despite the difficulty, it is important not to lose your temper or succumb to anger. Allowing your anger to overwhelm you will only give the loan sharks more power to intimidate you. Instead, maintain a firm and resolute stance that makes it challenging for them to exert pressure on you. 

2. Report to the Authorities and Seek Legal Advice: 

It is crucial to report the harassment to the relevant security agencies and seek legal counsel. Understandably, many Nigerians may not have the means to seek legal advice easily. However, taking this step can significantly reduce the level of harassment inflicted by loan sharks. Legal professionals can assist you in dealing with loan sharks through various means, such as obtaining a court order to prevent the loan shark from continuing their harassment. 

3. Arrange Meetings in Public Spaces: 

Loan sharks may attempt to schedule meetings with you regarding the loan you have obtained. However, it is essential to never agree to meet them in unfamiliar or secretive locations. Instead, propose meeting in a public place that you are familiar with. You can even bring along a trusted friend or companion for support. Arriving at the meeting location a bit early allows you to observe your surroundings and prepare yourself mentally for the encounter. Additionally, consider discreetly recording the conversation or, if feasible, using a spy camera to protect yourself. These measures help prevent manipulation and provide evidence of any wrongdoing. 

4. Prevention is Key: 

The most effective way to deal with loan sharks is to avoid borrowing from them altogether. While circumstances may compel individuals to seek financial assistance, it is crucial to explore alternative options first. Look for reputable microfinance banks or recognized financial institutions that offer transparent loan services. Prioritize borrowing from legitimate sources with reasonable interest rates and clear terms and conditions. By following these steps, you can better protect yourself from loan shark harassment and ensure that you have the necessary support and guidance to navigate such challenging situations. Remember, it is crucial to remain informed and take proactive measures to safeguard your financial well-being.

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